17:610:530 Principles of Searching

Tefko Saracevic


This is a sketch of several exercises that we will do in our first lab session. They will be fully explained in the lab. Together we will examine the procedures, their meaning and the results. If necessary, complete these exercises on your own later. Discuss them in your group. There is no grading for these - so relax.

Login on Dialog

1. Select, expand

search in one file and finding possible thesaurus entries

2. Onesearch

searching several files together and knowing what came from what file & finding authors in those files

3. Save temp

getting ideas about food in Elizabethan times

4, Thesaurus - again

finding thesaurus terms through expand

4 Citations (exercize 2)

get number of citations to my articles, excluding self-citations

5. Dialindex - file 411:

finding files to search for a topic