17:610:530 Principles of Searching

Tefko Saracevic


The object of this lab is to explore some extended or deep capabilities and characteristics of a sample of digital libraries, reference sources and search engines, as a rich source and guide for information, particularly of the type mostly not found by searching of search engines.

Academic Info http://academicinfo.net/

Among others, great for domain sources. E.g.  Click Library and Information Science, then Digital Library, then by topic e.g. agriculture then Collection on Global Issues by UN University.

Bartleby Library - Great Books Online http://www.bartleby.com

Click Reference. Bartlett’s Quotations, Concordance Index, to Professors, respectable, dismal science, to Carlyle to quotation to Carlyle bio etc. Or Nonfiction, Inaugural Addresses, Lincoln second address.

Tuffts University - The Perseus Digital Library http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/

Click to Renaissance,  Sir Francis Bacon, The New Atlantis

University of California, Berkeley http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/

Click Catalogs, LIBWEB – explore e.g. Academic Libraries, Princeton, Women writers.

Cambridge University Library, U.K. http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/Digital

Click The Life of King Edward the  Confessor, Decriptions,

Virtual Library - Switzerland, US, UK & other countries http://vlib.org

Click Information and Libraries, Information Quality.

Martindale’s Reference Desk http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu/~martindale/Ref.html

Click Art,  Beer, explore, go up to recipes, go  down to Nutrition. Back. Click all over e.g. flights

Web Brain http://www.webbrain.com/

Enter digital libraries. Explore

Search Engine Watch http://www.searchenginewatch.com/

Click Reviews, ratings & tests. Click Search engine listings.