17:610:530 Principles of Searching

Tefko Saracevic


Exercise 4 comes in two parts. In the first part you will take a tutorial on LexisNexis. In the second part you will do some tasks on nexis.com.

Part 1.

To take the tutorial:

First, go through booklets nexis.com User Guide, and nexis.com at-a-glance, which you received in class. Go though both. Remember that you can translate a lot from what you learned in DIALOG searching and structure, and general Boolean stuff. Get an overall idea about:

At this point most likely you will be confused. DO NOT PANIC! This is a most natural state - it is the same state as when somebody tries to teach you how to tie your shoelaces by telling you to read a description of the process. You will need to go back and forth through the Guide - the reading and learning is not linear. A lot of what you learned from DIALOG applies and can be translated, even though commands, selection of sources and other stuff are differently implemented. But all the basic principles apply. Vocabulary differs somewhat e.g.term files in Dialogspeak is sources in Nexisspeak is sites in Webspeak, and in general is information resources in Tefkospeak.

But also note that the printed literature we got from Nexis is not always reflective of what you actually see on the screen - the printed guides were not completely updated to reflect recent changes in the Nexis interface.

You do not have to hand in anything on this part.

Second, go to http://www.nexis.com

Part 2.

While online in http://www.nexis.com (home page)
