Development of the online version for
17:610:530 Principles of Searching

What do we want to achieve?


Learn1: Develop a course where students will learn well, a lot, efficiently, and even have fun.
Learn2: For each member of the development team to learn how to develop online courses.
Learn3: For each member of the team to learn how to teach this course well, given a chance.


  1. Design, develop, and make ready for teaching the online version of the MLIS course Principle of Searching.
  2. Provide the course in a way that could be easily updated, shared, and fitted to specific teaching and student needs.
  3. Design the course in a way that will provide means and ways to serve as a test-bed for research.


We are not modest: We wish to develop the best, the most exemplary, online course in the schools of library and information science and information schools in Norh America.


As to content of the course and each component of the course (including purpose and objectives as a whole and each module that deals with specific topics) we should clerly specify for the students and for us:

  1. WHY are we teaching the course or given topic (including readings and exercises)
  2. WHAT are we teaching in the course or given topic.
  3. HOW are we going to teach the course or given topic.
  4. WHAT is expected of students to learn and provide.
  5. WHERE can students test themselves, get help or clarification if needed, or access materials for further learning if desired.


last update Jan 26, 2005