Spring 2002

Announcement for students


·         Please visit the course web site:  http://scils.rutgers.edu/~tefko/scilsCourses/553/

Download and print the syllabus and schedule; bring to class. The opening lecture is under Lectures/553 opening 02.ppt

·         The syllabus has, among others, a list of pre- and co- requisites, together with needed competencies, and requirements for email, Web capabilities, and Rutgers University Library access. Please consult these carefully and establish what may be necessary before the start of the class, as needed. Among others, you will need to establish your own Web site. Instructions for mounting your own Web site are included on the  class Web site, as are instruction for printing PowerPoint lectures

·         The course site also has links to a number of tutorials. As necessary, take given tutorial(s) to bone up on pre-requisite background knowledge, as a listed in the syllabus..

·         The course has a required textbook as listed in the syllabus. Please. get the textbook from the Rutgers Bookstore or from any other source.

·         The course will NOT have an additional packet. All the articles listed in the bibliography  can be accessed on the Web, some through RUL and print and online reserve others directly.

·         For a variety of working purposes, the students will be organized in small groups. Each group will have four students (+/- 1). You will be doing a number of exercises together as a group. You may also do the final project as a group. You can start looking for a group - we will form the groups during the first class.

·         The class has a listserve for posting and receiving general messages: lis553s@scils.rutgers.edu. I already subscribed those that included their email address while registering. (I got them from the Registrar). The others please send a subscription request as follows:
* send an email message to: majordomo@scils.rutgers.edu
* leave the subject line blank
* in the message type: subscribe lis553s@scils.rutgers.edu
* no signature or any other text

Digital libraries cover a number of interesting and challenging topics. But they are also fun. We are all learning.


Tefko Saracevic, Ph.D.

Email: tefko@scils.rutgers.edu

Home page: http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~tefko