Tefko Saracevic, Michael Lesk

Exercise 4

Note: to be done together as an essay with Assignment 4. You will be using readings from the assignment and sources from "D-Lib Edu: Resources for Education in Digital Libraries."   The objective is to examine a variety of aspects

In this exercise you will select sources found in D-Lib Edu under Collection. From there go to these sites:

1. Okerson, A. (1999). Electronic Collections Development. Yale University Libraries. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2002 from http://www.library.yale.edu/~okerson/ecd.html

Examine policies of your choice. You can find more under Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) of the American Library Association: Collection Development & Evaluation Section.
2. University of California, Berkeley Libraries. (2001).Digital Library SunSITE Collection and Preservation Policy. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2002 from http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Admin/collection.html

Examine the policies and links.

3. University of Illinois Library. The Digital Imaging & Media Technology Initiative. University of Illinois. Web Resources List. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2002 from http://images.library.uiuc.edu/resources/links.htm

Great many links to imaging projects and policies. Consult those discussing selection, management and related issues (such as Creating Digital Resources for the Visual Arts).

3. Vanderbilt University Library. (2001). AcqWeb. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2002 from   http://acqweb.library.vanderbilt.edu/
The mother lode for library acquisition tools and sources. Particularly go to Collection Development and Copyright and Licensing Information, and examine information and sources there.
4. Yale University Library. (2001). Liblicense. Licensing digital information. A resource for librarians. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2002 from http://www.library.yale.edu/~llicense/index.shtml
All about licensing. Examine Introduction; look at some of the License Vocabulary; and examine Licensing Resources. What interests you? What is new to you?
5. Yochelson, A. et al. (2000). Collection development and the Internet: A brief handbook for recommending officers in the Humanities and Social Sciences Division at the Library of Congress. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2002 from http://lcweb.loc.gov/acq/colldev/handbook.html
This is both a reading and a series of links. Read the text throughout, it has a number of useful observations, particularly in Summary. Select some links of interest to you for examination and inclusion in the essay.
6. Any other site or sites that are of particular interest to you, found whichever way.