Resources for education in digital libraries
Tefko Saracevic, Ph.D.

School of Communication

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Not surprisingly, the explosive growth of activities related to digital libraries is reflected in a commensurate growth of information sources covering digital libraries. New ones coming forth all the time; some older ones are constantly changing; some have died already. Conferences devoted to digital libraries are proliferating. In other words, a bewildering array of sources deals with digital libraries. But they are essential to keep up with this rapidly growing and changing area. Digital library activities are fragmented and unconnected which makes keeping up even harder. Here are a sample of information sources that may help - they record a variety of activities.



"Ariadne magazine is aimed at both librarians and information science professionals in academic libraries, and also to interested lay people in the UK Higher Education community. Its principal geographic focus is the UK, but it is widely read in the US and worldwide. The magazine has two main aims: It describes and evaluates sources and services available on the Internet, and of potential use, to librarians and information professionals. It reports to the library community at large on progress and developments within the Electronic Libraries Programme, and of JISC-funded and other information services, keeping the busy practitioner abreast of current relevant developments." Bibliotech Review "Bibliotech Review provides automation technical news and reviews to librarians, information scientists and other professionals." Basically, covers news, analysis, and comments related to products, software and hardware. Related to E-content Review (see below). Computers in Libraries "Monthly journal that provides complete coverage of the news an issues in the rapidly evolving field of library information technology." Some articles can be accessed free, but not all. D-Lib Forum, including D-Lib Magazine "Facilitating and supporting the community developing the technology of the global digital library." A premier monthly online journal about innovation and research in digital libraries. Also a forum for researchers and developers of advanced digital libraries. Section Ready Reference includes links to many related sites. E-content Review "E-Content review is a new web publication designed to contain all of the news about E-content including E-publishing, content management software and systems, portals, E-books and related concepts." Related to Bibliotech Review (see above). First Monday "A peer-reviewed journal on the Internet, about the Internet." Articles more reports on projects, discussion of issues, and presentations form conferences, IFLA Journal Published six times a year by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, as their official journal. Some articles on current issues; wealth of organizational and international news. Information Technology and Libraries "Information Technology and Libraries is a refereed journal published quarterly by the Library and Information Technology Association, a division of the American Library Association." Periodically, includes special issues, such as "User-Customizable Library Portals" (issue December, 2000 at ) International Journal on Digital Libraries (JODL) "The International Journal on Digital Libraries is a quarterly journal aimed at advancing the theory and practice of acquisition, definition, organization, management, and dissemination of digital information via global networking." Requires access through subscription. Rutgers libraries subscribe to the journal. Scholarly articles. Published by Springer. The Journal of Digital Information (JoDI) "A peer-reviewed Web journal supported by the British Computer Society and Oxford University Press about management, preservation, and uses of information in digital environments; and covering research, technical, design and practical issues; aimed at researchers, developers and teachers, mainly but not only in technical disciplines, also technical librarians and publishers. JoDI, is an electronic journal (with no paper equivalent form) intended to serve the community of workers in this field. The journal aims to be the primary electronic source for high quality articles and consequently refereeing is rigorous. There is also scope for the online discussion of articles, a process as vital to the community as the formal publication process itself." Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) "Journal of Electronic Publishing is scholarly publishing’s window on the electronic-publishing business. Founded in 1995 by University of Michigan." Mostly scholarly articles, some provocative. Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal "Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by Springer-Verlag. It provides an international forum for researchers and professionals to share their knowledge and report new advances on all topics related to knowledge systems and advanced information systems. The journal focuses on knowledge systems and advanced information systems, including their theoretical foundations, infrastructure and enabling technologies." By subscription only. Rutgers libraries do not subscribe. Library Journal Digital Electronic offshoot of Library Journal. Search for previous articles available. Regularly reviews digital software, database and electronic resources. Library Philosophy and Practice "An essential type of library science research is applied research, in which the library is the laboratory. Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it." One or two issues a year. Published by University of Idaho Library National Digital Library Periodic Reports "A periodic report from the National Digital Library Program Reports, published 12 times a year by The Library of Congress." Last report from 1997, but Web site still alive. RLG Diginews "A bi-monthly newsletter intended to: Focus on issues of particular interest and value to managers of digital initiatives with a preservation component or rationale. Provide filtered guidance and pointers to relevant projects to improve our awareness of evolving practices in image conversion and digital archiving." Published by Cornell University for Research Libraries Group. Journal of Digital Information "Publishing papers on the management, presentation and uses of information in digital environments. A peer-reviewed Web journal supported by the British Computer Society and Oxford University Press." Journal of Electronic Publishing Published by University of Michigan Press. "Electronic publishing is changing the world we live in. It is changing what publishers do. It is changing the way scientists, business people, and students -- all of us -- work. In this environment of change and uncertainty, the publisher faces many challenges: details such as Web design, server management, pricing (and collecting the revenue!) as well as the big policy questions. The Journal of Electronic Publishing is for the thoughtful forward-thinking publisher, librarian, scholar, or author -- in fact, anyone in this new business -- facing those challenges." Nature. Discussion group on future e-access to the primary literature New in 2001. A forum discussing many issues the impact of the Web on the publishing of the results of original research. Many prominent participants, including librarians, participate in this forum organized by Nature, one of the preeminent scientific journals in the world.
Conferences, workshops

DELOS - Networks of Excellence on Digital Libraries. Conferences. Workshops.

DELOS is a framework for digital library research and projects supported by European Union. The site provides links to European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) series, and to numerous, regularly organized workshops.

D-Lib Magazine. Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops.

A most comprehensive " listing of upcoming digital library meetings, workshops, and conferences, as well as other activities associated with digital libraries research and technologies. Also listed are past events with links to conference programs, proceedings, and other documents." IFLA Digital Libraries. Conferences. A not that comprehensive list of links to conferences on digital libraries maintained by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. More retrospective than prospective. Online Information 2001 (UK) Organized by Learned Information. Largest online exhibit and conference, bigger than its counterpart organized by Information Today in the US.. Social Aspects of Digital Libraries. 16-17 February 1996, Los Angeles, CA, US "This workshop brought together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from the emerging community concerned with social aspects of digital libraries. Our goals were to assess existing knowledge that might inform research in this area and to propose a research agenda that would pose new questions. " Contains a number of papers with ideas, issues and problems that are by no means dated. The First Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. ACM+IEEE. 2001 Organized by Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGIR) and The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE Computer Society).. The intended community for this conference includes those interested in such aspects of digital libraries as infrastructure; institutions; metadata; content; services; digital preservation; system design; implementation; interface design; human-computer interaction; evaluation of performance; evaluation of usability; collection development; intellectual property; privacy; electronic publishing; document genres; multimedia; social, institutional, and policy issues; user communities; and associated theoretical topics." Despite the broad description this, and preceding conferences on deal mostly with highly technical issues. The premier conference.
Associations & Organizations

Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)

"The mission of ALISE is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education." Not a rich site. But it has, among others, links to all accredited schools of library and information science in North America. American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) "Since 1937 ASIST has been the society for information professionals leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies to improve access to information." Digital libraries are regularly discussed at annual conferences. Has a Special Interest Group on Digital Libraries (SIG/DL). Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (ACM SIGIR) "ACM SIGIR addresses issues ranging from theory to user demands in the application of computers to the acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval, and distribution of information." SIGIR is a major sponsor and participant in digital library conferences. Links to conferences from previous years. Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) "CNI is an organization dedicated to supporting the transformative promise of networked information technology for the advancement of scholarly communication and the enrichment of intellectual productivity." CNI is a partnership between the Association of Research Libraries and EDUCAUSE, with over 200 organizations as members. CNI is interested in several areas critical to the present and future of digital libraries. Provides links to numerous projects, conferences, and reports. The Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) "The Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) undertakes, fosters, and promotes research in the public interest. The activities center around strategic development of network-based information technologies. CNRI is a not-for-profit organization." Provides links to activities and projects, many dealing with digital libraries and related areas. The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) "CLIR works to ensure the well-being of the scholarly communication system upon which knowledge creation depends. CLIR's agenda embraces the entire range of information resources and services, from traditional library and archival materials to emerging digital formats, and the entire network of organizations that gather, catalog, store, preserve, distribute, and provide access to information." Supports numerous projects, activities, and reports on critical issues. It is the administrative home for Digital Library Federation (below). Digital Library Federation (DLF) "The Digital Library Federation (DLF) is a consortium of libraries and related agencies that are pioneering in the use of electronic-information technologies to extend their collections and services." Through its membership addresses numerous issues, from preservation to metadata in digital libraries to best practices. International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) "The Coalition [is] an informal, self-organized group comprising (as of September 2000) nearly 150 library consortia from around the world. The Coalition serves primarily higher education institutions by facilitating discussion among consortia on issues of common interest. At times during the year, ICOLC may conduct meetings dedicated to keeping participating consortia informed about new electronic information resources, pricing practices of electronic providers and vendors, and other issues of importance to directors and governing boards of consortia." Includes links to library and related consortia throughout the world. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions: Digital Libraries IFLA has assembled a large collection of online resources from various parts of the world regarding digital libraries, grouping them under several sub-topics including: resources and projects, cataloging and indexing, electronic journal and text archives, and metadata. Valuable for its global perspective. Internet Free-Press "Sponsored by MCB University Press, IFP is the online resource for electronic publishing, whatever your requirements. Whether you already publish your own e-journal, are considering doing so, or would simply like to find out more about electronic publishing, Internet Free-Press can provide the support you need. By creating a community of publishers, academics, editors and authors, IFP encourages a sharing of ideas, experiences and expertise so that we can all learn with and from one another." Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) LITA is the division of the American Library Association most directly concerned with digital library issues, and its web site approaches the topic from a perspective that places the emphasis on library services in relation to digital technology. LITA publishes freely accessed journals and other publications. It features "Top technology trends" as regularly identified by experts: for 2001 the top trends are at with many useful links. Public Library of Science An open letter advocacy group has been formed to promote and to help coordinate the initiative which says: "We support the establishment of international online public libraries of science that contain the complete text of all published scientific articles in searchable and interlinked formats." A reaction to high prices of scientific journals and advocacy of free access to scientific information. Research Libraries Group (RLG)

"RLG is a not-for-profit membership corporation of over 160 universities, national libraries, archives, historical societies, and other institutions with remarkable collections for research and learning." This site describes a number of projects and programs RLG is undertaking, among others in the area of digital libraries. Provides links to a large number of library resources.

last update 4 April 2001
Tefko Saracevic