Resources for education in digital libraries
Tefko Saracevic, Ph.D.

School of Communication

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Assortment of tutorials

Information literacy

San Francisco State University. OASIS - Online Advancement of Student Information Skills.

"OASIS is a set of online lessons designed to help improve your skills at finding, using and evaluating information of all kinds." An excellent assortment of tutorials geared toward students for improving information literacy. A sample quiz is available, but other quizzes are for students of SFSU only.

Rutgers University Libraries. Knowledge Maze.

A set of tutorials on how to use the library online tools and resources. While geared toward Rutgers Libraries, Knowledge Maze provides a good basic introduction to searching and use of digital resources in digital libraries in general.

Libraries and the Web: tutorials, guides

Chamberlain, E. Bare bones 101: a basic tutorial on searching the Web. University of South Carolina, Beaufort Library.

Created by a librarian for librarians and library users.

Gale Group/ALISE. Bibliographic Instruction Support Program.

The Association for Library and Information Science Education and the publisher Gale have teamed together to provide a modular instructional program that "provides tips and suggestions for designing or supplementing bibliographic instruction programs that feature electronic resources". The modules include content positioning, reference interview, user interface, and evaluation.

Koehler, W. Web Documents Management Course.

A most comprehensive site with a number of modules on different topics dealing with documents on the Web.

National Cable Television Association. WebTeacher.

Oriented toward K-12 teachers and students but appropriate for any new Internet user, webTeacher provides a thorough introduction and tutorials to all things Internet. Coverage from using web browsers and E-mail to image files, chat, distance learning, and basic and advanced HTML.

Resource Discovery Network (UK). RDN Virtual Training Suite.

Tutorial for many fields, well organized and presented. Includes a tour of Internet resources in the given filed, and ways to improve skills. "Teaching Academics to become eLiterate! The RDN Virtual Training Suite is a national initiative designed to teach Internet information skills to students, lecturers and researchers in higher and further education in the UK, though it is also freely available for any one else to use." It comprises a set of "teach yourself" tutorials, delivered over the Web, each of which offers Internet information skills training in a particular subject area."

Search Engine Watch. Search engine tutorials

A general and rich site that includes among others, a number of tutorials, links to many useful sites for searchers and searching, and to a collection of articles related to search engines and their evaluation. Includes a newsletter with articles to help in searching, such as " Seven Stupid Searching Mistakes, Part 1 and 2." reviews, and
The Search Engine Watch site (
/) is a premier site concerning information about search engines: lists, reviews, ratings, resources etc.


A comprehensive site about Internet and hardware news, reviews, and analyses, free downloads, and much, much more. In the search box enter 'tutorials' and get a list of a number of tutorials on many specific topics.

Web publishing tutorials, HTML, XML and more, Inc. Lissa explains it all.

Developed by a 13-year-old (at least they say so) for kids and beginners about HTML and building your own Web site. Easy progress from basic to advanced applications. Fun! (But it looks like that this is now a commercial enterprise, with ads and all). A Web Development Tutorial and Information Site.

Among others, provides beginning and advance tutorials on HTML.
Includes tutorial:Getting Started with FTP.
"To begin using FTP, you will want to get an ftp program that makes it easy to transfer and rename your files. My suggestion is WS_FTP from Ipswitch. You can download a free trial version at the Ipswitch Home Page. This is the program you will see in the images in these ftp tutorials." An excellent tutorial for using WS_FTP the most popular and free software for up- and downloading.
It can be also downloaded from
Rutgers Microcomputer Support Services Group at

University of Waterloo. XML tutorial.

Well structured XML tutorial, including a number of useful pointers. The home page contains other materials related to XML, such as papers and links to XML sites.

Web Diner. Introducing your Web adventure.

A series of well designed tutorials for Web page builders from beginning, intermediate and advanced. "Lost or confused about how to make a web page? Well, don't worry. We've taught tens of thousands of folks to create their first web page, and we can teach you, too! Best of all, creating a web site can be a voyage of discovery."
Includes tutorial: About paths. Understanding links.
"We won't beat around the bush. Understanding how paths work is, without a doubt, the most difficult thing to learn for a beginning web page creator."
Web Diner main page has a number of useful Web development tools, and downloadable stuff, such as Cool Web Clipart.


Includes a number of tutorials, guides, and articles. Among them Webmonkey Teaching Tool Tutorials with exercises from HTML basics to advanced topics

Kodak Digital Learning Center. Imaging tutorials and guides.

Offers multi-module courses designed to teach the principles of digital imaging. Includes how-to tips, references, explanation of technology, and online quizzes. Geared toward general use.

University of Texas. Copyright crash course.

Covers many diverse copyright issues in a number of media from texts to images to music. Includes a syllabus. Interestingly and cleverly designed - worth a look for that alone.

Tutorials for searching DIALOG and LexisNexis
(While these tutorials are specific for Dialog and LexisNexis, they also provide a good general grounding for searching and about databases).

DIALOG Corp. Dialog new user guide.

Title says it all.

DIALOG Corp. Successful searching on DIALOG.

Advanced guide. Includes definitions of commands, and access to a variety of features, such as Bluesheets and Bluesheet categories.

DIALOG Corp. Hot Copy: Searching DIALOG tutorial.

A comprehensive tutorial with exercises. Follow the instructions and download the Hot Copy.

DIALOG Corp. DialogWeb tutorial.

Use this introductory Tutorial to familiarize yourself with the DialogWeb interface and to learn the basic search concepts.

LexisNexis. Products and services.

A handy list of all that is offered by LexisNexis. A self help site offers answers and guides:

LexisNexis. online tutorial.

The tutorial for the new version of To view the tutorial your web browser needs a Micromedia Shockwave Player installed on your computer. This is general playback software to play the tutorial and movies in general. If you do not have it, the tutorial will prompt you to download the Micromedia Player (free).

last update 4 April 2002 TefkoSaracevic