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a few of my favorite sites, places, and organizations

Alta, Utah
Alta's motto: "The greatest snow on earth"
The motto does not lie.
This is my favorite place for skiing.
And staying in the fabulous Alta Peruvian Lodge.
Went there for some 25 years
In 2005 Flat Stanley went skiing all over Utah. Check it out!

, Croatia
tourist information
A beautiful walled, mediaeval city. The pearl of the Adriatic. A most unusual place. Love to visit it. Nearby are many lovely islands. And other small towns on the sea. Going to Dubrovnik is like going to another world from the past.
Favorite hotels in Dubrovnik: Excelsior
and Argentina.
Favorite hangoutin Dubrovnik: Trubadur
Favorite nearby island: Mljet, with a national park.
Favorite hotel on Mljet (and the only one): Odisej

Zagreb, Croatia general country information
The city and country of my birth. Love to visit there, many good friends are still around. And family.
Twice was a Fulbright scholar there at the University of Zagreb and the National and University Library.
The life in Zagreb is lively and diverse.
Nearby is Medvednica, a mountain where I like to go hiking. In my youth, I was an active and enthusiastic member of the University Mountaineering Society "Velebit." They are still at it. It was named after Velebit, a rugged and beautiful mountain that became a national park.

Talking about national parks: Plitvice National Park is a unique district of lakes and cascades; great for hiking.
Gorski Kotar is another one of my favorite area for hiking and mountaneering - parts are still wild and unspoiled, especially around mountain Bjelolasica. Look for Bijele Stijene (White Rocks) and Samarske Stijene (Samarske Rocks) - stunning!

Amnesty International.
I am a member.
Motto: "Working to protect human rights worldwide."
Sierra Club.
I am a member.
"To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of earth's ecosystems and resources..."
What a wonderful purpose!

Tefko Saracevic
Last revised 12 April 2006
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